Programs of Study
The research of biological processes for industrial and other purposes, especially the genetic manipulation of microorganisms for the production of antibiotics, hormones, etc.
Biological or Medical application of engineering principles or equipment
Hands on activities to prepare us for the real world of pharmacy
Many community interactions to build connections and interests
Internships that give hands on training and insight into a functioning pharmacy
The basic science of public health is epidemiology, a scientific discipline that studies the distribution and determinants of health-relate states or events in specified populations. Epidemiologists study the history of disease, chronic diseases, social behaviors, genetics, environmental and occupational health. A student interested in public health would start by studying epidemiology including the current health and history of the population.
Classes for this pathway would include epidemiology for the first year of study. The second year of study would examine some of the determinants of health, students would choose two from the following: Physiology of Aging, Exercise Physiology, Advanced Physiology or Immunology. A statistics class is highly recommended to complete this course of study.